How to manipulate inputs

In this section, you will find a tutorial on how to manipulate basic inputs on Ritchie.

This tutorials helps you to create a simple formula, in this case, it will sum two positive numbers.


This formula must have (at least) two input parameters. See below:

  1. Number one (RIT_NUMBER_ONE).
  2. Number two (RIT_NUMBER_TWO).

How can you do that?

Search for the config.json file of your formula and replace it the inputs field for the block below:

      "label": "Number one : ",
      "name": "rit_number_one",
      "type": "text"
      "label": "Number two : ",
      "name": "rit_number_two",
      "type": "text"

Step by step

Follow the steps below to create your formula:

Step 1: Extract all inputs parameters

Search for the main file of tour formula and extract all the inputs before using them to call your formula’s method. See some code example below:

import os

from formula import formula

number_one = int(os.environ.get("RIT_NUMBER_ONE"))
number_two = int(os.environ.get("RIT_NUMBER_TWO")), number_two)

package com.ritchie;

import com.ritchie.formula.Formula;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String numberOne = System.getenv("RIT_NUMBER_ONE");
    String numberTwo = System.getenv("RIT_NUMBER_TWO");
    Formula formula = new Formula(Integer.valueOf(numberOne), Integer.valueOf(numberTwo));

package main

import (

func main() {
	numberOne, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("RIT_NUMBER_ONE"))
	numberTwo, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("RIT_NUMBER_TWO"))

		NumberOne: numberOne,
		NumberTwo: numberTwo,

const run = require("./formula/formula")

const NUMBER_ONE = parseInt(process.env.RIT_NUMBER_ONE)
const NUMBER_TWO = parseInt(process.env.RIT_NUMBER_TWO)


Warning: Here is where the conversion from STRING to INT happens, because there is no native INT type in the config.json file.

Step 2: Implement the formula’s operation

Search for the formula file of your formula and implement the method performing the operation of your automation. See some code examples:

def run(number_one, number_two):
    sum = number_one + number_two
    print("The sum is", sum)

package com.ritchie.formula;

public class Formula {

  private Integer numberOne;
  private Integer numberTwo;

  public String run() {
    Integer sum = numberOne + numberTwo;
    return String.format("The sum is %s", sum);

  public Formula(Integer numberOne, Integer numberTwo) {
    this.numberOne = numberOne;
    this.numberTwo = numberTwo;

  public Integer getNumberOne() {
    return numberOne;

  public void setNumberOne(Integer numberOne) {
    this.numberOne = numberOne;

  public Integer getNumberTwo() {
    return numberTwo;

  public void setNumberTwo(Integer numberTwo) {
    this.numberTwo = numberTwo;

package formula

import (

type Formula struct {
	NumberOne int
	NumberTwo int

func (f Formula) Run() {
	sum := f.NumberOne + f.NumberTwo
	fmt.Println("The sum is", sum)

function Run(numberOne, numberTwo) {
    var sum = numberOne + numberTwo
    console.log("The sum is " + sum)

const formula = Run
module.exports = formula

Step 3: Test the formula on your terminal

  • Test with prompt
~ rit math sum numbers
? Number one : 1
? Number two : 2
The sum is 3
  • Test with input flags
~ rit math sum numbers --rit_number_one="1" --rit_number_two="2" 
The sum is 3

Next steps

👉 If you’ve completed this first tutorial, let’s go to the second one How to use GitHub crendentials.

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)