How to test formulas outputs

In this section, you will find a tutorial on how to test formulas outputs on Ritchie.

This tutorial will help you to create and configure a Github Action workflow to test your formula outputs.


  • You need to have the rit math sum numbers formula on a Github repository.
  • You need a .github/workflows directory created on the Github repository.

How can you do that?

Follow the next steps to test a formula:

Step 1: Create a file on the .github/workflows directory named test-formula-sum-numbers.yml.

Step 2: Paste the following yaml implementation inside of it:

name: Formula Sum Numbers


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4    //requirement to the test-cli-commands-action
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2    // requirement to the test-cli-commands-action
          node-version: '14'
      - name: Ritchie Installation
        run: curl -fsSL | bash
      - name: Ritchie Initialization
        run: echo '{"addCommons":false, "sendMetrics":false, "runType":"local"}' | rit init --stdin
      - name: Add current formula repository as workspace
        run: rit add workspace --name="current_repo" --path="./"
      - uses: GuillaumeFalourd/test-cli-commands-action@v1
          command_line: rit math sum numbers —rit_number_one=1 —rit_number_two=2
          contains: The sum is 3
          expected_result: PASSED

Step 2: After you commit and push your code, go to the Actions tab’s repository:

You will see the workflow run being executed (or the result of its execution), see below:

That’s it, each push to the repository will now trigger this workflow and you can also check if the formula is behaving correctly.

You are able to update the workflow implementation to trigger only when the formula’s root directory is updated, or to test more scenarios according to the formula’s inputs.

For more information about workflow syntax, check out Github Documentation.

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)