How to group a formula

In this section, you will find a tutorial on how to use the formula aggregation concept.

In this tutorial, the idea is to create a formula to execute another formula inside it.

See more information on how to run formula inside other on groups formulas section.

Here, we will group at least two formulas:

  • rit math sum numbers (level 1).
  • rit math multiply numbers (TODO).


This formula must have (at least) three input parameters. See below:

  1. Number one (RIT_NUMBER_ONE).
  2. Number two (RIT_NUMBER_TWO).
  3. Operation (RIT_OPERATION).

How can you do that?

Search for the config.json file of your formula and replace it the inputs field for the block below:

      "label": "Number one : ",
      "name": "rit_number_one",
      "type": "text"
      "label": "Number two : ",
      "name": "rit_number_two",
      "type": "text"
      "label": "Operation : ",
      "name": "rit_operation",
      "type": "text",
      "items": [

Step by step

Follow the steps below to create your formula:

Step 1: Extract all inputs parameters

Search for the main file of tour formula and extract all the inputs before using them to call your formula’s method. See some code example below:

import os

from formula import formula

number_one = int(os.environ.get("RIT_NUMBER_ONE"))
number_two = int(os.environ.get("RIT_NUMBER_TWO"))
operation = os.environ.get("RIT_OPERATION"), number_two, operation)

package main

import (

func main() {
	numberOne := os.Getenv("RIT_NUMBER_ONE")
	numberTwo := os.Getenv("RIT_NUMBER_TWO")
	operation := os.Getenv("RIT_OPERATION")

		NumberOne: numberOne,
		NumberTwo: numberTwo,
		Operation: operation,


# shellcheck source=/dev/null
. "$(dirname "$0")"/formula/ --source-only


Step 2: Implement the formula’s operation

Run the rit formula according to the selected operation:

  • multiply must call the rit math multiply numbers formula;
  • sum must call the rit math sum numbers formula.

Search for the formula file of your formula and implement the method performing the operation of your automation. See some code examples:

import os
import json

def run(number_one, number_two, operation):
    if operation == "sum":
        input_flag_cmd = f"rit python math sum numbers --rit_number_one={number_one} --rit_number_two={number_two}"

    elif operation == "multiplication":
        input_flag_cmd = f"rit python math multiply numbers --rit_number_one={number_one} --rit_number_two={number_two}"

        print("Unexpected operation")


package formula

import (

type Formula struct {
	NumberOne string
	NumberTwo string
	Operation string

func (h Formula) Run() {
	cmdLine := exec.Command("", "")

	switch h.Operation {
	case "sum":
		cmdLine = exec.Command(
			fmt.Sprintf("--rit_number_one=%s", h.NumberOne),
			fmt.Sprintf("--rit_number_two=%s", h.NumberTwo),
	case "multiplication":
		cmdLine = exec.Command(
			fmt.Sprintf("--rit_number_one=%s", h.NumberOne),
			fmt.Sprintf("--rit_number_two=%s", h.NumberTwo),
		fmt.Print("Unexpected operation type:", h.Operation)

	out, err := cmdLine.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cmd.Run() failed with %s\n", err)



runFormula() {
  if [ "sum" = "$RIT_OPERATION" ]; then
    rit math sum numbers --rit_number_one=$RIT_NUMBER_ONE --rit_number_two=$RIT_NUMBER_TWO
  elif [ "multiplication" = "$RIT_OPERATION" ]; then
    rit math multiply numbers --rit_number_one=$RIT_NUMBER_ONE --rit_number_two=$RIT_NUMBER_TWO
    echo "Unexpected operation type: $RIT_OPERATION"

Step 3: Test the formula on your terminal

  • Multiply test
~ rit math calculate
? Number one : 1
? Number two : 2
? Operation: multiplication
The multiplication is 2
  • Sum test
~ ~ rit math calculate
? Number one : 1
? Number two : 2
? Operation: sum
The sum is 3

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)