Core Commands

In this section, you will find more details about commands that can be used through input flags.

Core Commands with input flags

Available flags

Credentials command

rit set credential

rit set credential --provider="github" --fields="username,token" --values="Dennis,123456"

rit delete credential

rit delete credential --provider="github"

Environment commands

rit set env

rit set env --env="prod"

rit delete env

rit delete env --env="prod"

Formula commands

rit list formula

rit list formula --name="repo_name"
rit list formula --name="ALL"

Repo commands

rit add repo

rit add repo --name="demo" --provider="Github" --repoUrl="" --tag="2.8.9" --token="1324efg"

rit delete repo

rit delete repo --name="repo_name"

Last modified November 12, 2021: Remove v2.12.0 (#165) (cfa6a699)