Version Migration

In this section, you will find more information about Ritchie’s version migration.

Ritchie 1.0 and Ritchie 2.0

Differences between version 1.0 and 2.0

  • Ritchie versions Single and Team are deprecated. Check the observation below if you still want to use the previous version.
  • The command tree will be dynamically generated on the added repositories. So, it won’t be necessary to edit formula’s repositories tree.json files anymore.
  • There isn’t a cloud storage anymore. The user can import formulas repositories from Github or Gitlab. (rit add repo) __
  • Autocomplete support for 2 new shells: Fish and Powershell. (rit completion fish | rit completion powershell)
  • Support to run formula in a container. (--docker flag)
  • Support to build formulas on Windows OS.
  • New tutorial to the CLI.
  • Structural upgrades.

How can you migrate formulas from V1.0 to V2.0?


If you use Ritchie 1.0 version and want to upgrade to the 2.0 one, you have to update your formula’s repository structure to be compatible to the pattern used on the new version.

How to migrate?

Step 1: Create new formula repo from scratch using the rit create formula command.

  • Adding the same formulas paths used on the older repository to the new one.

Step 2: Export your formulas implementations from the older repository to the new one.

  • The structure still uses the same files: config.json , main.*, formula.*.
  • Copy these files codes from the old structure to the new one, respecting the new layout.

Step 3: Publish the new formula repository on github or gitlab (also, it can public or private).

Step 4: Generate a release of the formula repository.

Step 5: Add the formula repository on Ritchie using the rit add repo command.

Step 6: Share your formula’s repository with your team, colleagues or the community.

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)