Manual Installation

In this section, you will find how to install Ritchie manually.

How to download Ritchie binary?

  • Step 1: Choose the version you want to install.
  • Step 2: Get the appropriate URL for your system and paste it into the browser, replacing {VERSION} with the version you chose.

Binary URL{VERSION}/linux/rit{VERSION}/darwin/rit{VERSION}/windows/rit.exe

Manual settings

How to create a folder?

  1. Run the command below to create a folder $HOME/.rit/bin
mkdir -p $HOME/.rit/bin
  1. Copy and paste the binary to the folder above:
​cd $HOME/.rit/bin 
cp $HOME/Downloads/rit
  1. Run a permission to run:
chmod +x rit

How to configure the .bashrc or /etc/profile or .zshrc (Linux / MacOS)

To ZSH, define a new PATH by copying the following code:

export RIT_PATH=$HOME/.rit
rit completion zsh > ~/.rit_completion
source ~/.rit_completion

To Bash, define a new PATH by copying the following code:

export RIT_PATH=$HOME/.rit
rit completion bash > ~/.rit_completion
source ~/.rit_completion​

Setting environment variables (Windows)

For this operating system, you need to call rit on the terminal directly from rit.exe (rit.exe login command for example)

It is possible and we suggest to create an environment variable for rit to facilitate the use of the CLI.

Read More

Here are some articles explaining how to add an environment variable in Windows:

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)