Initialize CLI

In this section, you will find how to initialize Ritchie CLI.

See the steps below to initialize the CLI:

Step 1: Initialization

Run the following command to initialize Ritchie:

rit init

This command will ask three information:

  1. If the user wants to contribute anonymously to Ritchie metrics.
  2. If the user wants to add the community formulas locally.
  3. Which execution method the user wants to use by default (local or docker). formula execution method.

After this, the command will create all the necessary configuration’s files.

Step 2: Verify Initialization

1. Commons repository

If you added the community formulas repository, verify the import using the following command:

rit list repo

This command will return all formulas repositories the user has local access to.

2. Ritchie folder

You can check if the .rit folder has been created on your $HOME directory.

Last modified October 29, 2021: Doc review (#161) (ef9c57d8)